Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PGI-NRI)
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Maps showing average values of thermal conductivity of soils and rocks, expressed in units of W/(m*K), for the 0-70 m depth interval. Maps were created on the basis of a numerical, three-dimensional model of geological structure (base model), which was then filled with geological-thermal series with assigned values of thermal conductivity rate expressed in units [W/m*K] (parametric model). The parametric model was used to calculate the average value of thermal conductivity of soils and rocks at each point of the studied area and up to the chosen depth level. Maps were produced as part of a project funded by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management entitled: ‘Assessment of the energy potential and environmental conditions of low-temperature geothermal energy’ carried out between 2017 and 2022.
This service downloads data of dataset Seabed areas - type of sediment. The service uses the WFS OGC 2.0.0 interface.
Shallow Geothermal Energy Potential Map consists of a spatial and borehole data base. The Serial Shallow Geothermal Energy Potential Map at a scale of 1:50,000 will be the beginning of the estimation of shallow geothermal resources in terms of the application of optimal technologies and estimation of Poland's energy resources. In the pilot project, carried out between 2017 and 2022, maps were made in the grid of the Detailed Geological Map of Poland at a scale of 1:50 000 and in the grid of the topographic map at a scale of 1:10 000 for areas of urban agglomerations. The analysis covered areas: • in the scale of 1:10 000: o Warsaw (90 sheets), o Wrocław (48 sheets); • in the scale of 1:50 000: o Jelenia Góra region (1 sheet), o Bielsko-Biała region (3 sheets) o Rabka-Zdrój region (2 sheets) o Krynica-Zdrój region (3 sheets). Currently, the project is carried out at a scale of 1:50 000 and covers the following areas: • Gdańsk region (6 sheets), • Supraśl region (2 sheets), • Mielnik region (2 sheets), • Kazimierz Dolny region (4 sheets), • Jelenia Góra region (Sudety Mountains) (5 sheets). The following maps were made on the basis of the study entitled ‘Instruction for making shallow geothermal energy potential and environmental conditions Maps' : • thermal conductivity maps λ [W/m*K] at depths of 40, 70, 100 and 130 m below ground level; • unit heat output maps qv [W/m] for 1800 h of heat pump operation per year at depths of 40, 70, 100 and 130 m below ground level; • unit heat output maps qv [W/m] for 2100 h of heat pump operation per year at a depth of 40, 70, 100 and 130 m below ground level; • Borehole heat exchangers feasibility map according to environmental conditions. To supplement the shallowe geothermal potential maps, were created maps showing the locations of potential geoenvironmental conflicts, where the drilling of boreholes for ground source heat exchangers (GHE), and thus the installation of ground source heat pumps (GHP), is generally possible, where additional information is required or it is generally not possible. Such maps are helpful for the efficient design of individual GHP installations as well as for the determination, of the extent to which low-temperature geothermal energy can meet the heat demand of a region or urban agglomeration for example by local authorities. The maps are complemented by a nationwide GIS database for shallowe geothermal, which will include geological documentations for the purposes of obtaining geothermal heat, collected in the resources of the Central Geological Archives of Polish Geological Institute. In addition, the effective thermal conductivity leff [W/m*K] in the 0÷100m depth interval was determined for selected boreholes from the Central Hydrogeological Databank (deeper than 100 m). On the base of it point map of shallowe geothermal potential for the area of whole Poland was created. The parameterisation was carried out using the thermal conductivity conversion tables from the PORT PC Guidelines, 2013. In the pilot project, 14 011 boreholes were calculated from the Central Hydrogeological Databank. In the current project, the parameterisation will be carried out on the basis of thermal conductivity measurements (both in the fild and in the laboratory) the thermal conductivity conversion tables from the PORT PC Guidelines, 2021.
Maps showing average values of thermal conductivity of soils and rocks, expressed in units of W/(m*K), for the 0-130 m depth interval. Maps were created on the basis of a numerical, three-dimensional model of geological structure (base model), which was then filled with geological-thermal series with assigned values of thermal conductivity rate expressed in units [W/m*K] (parametric model). The parametric model was used to calculate the average value of thermal conductivity of soils and rocks at each point of the studied area and up to the chosen depth level. Maps were produced as part of a project funded by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management entitled: ‘Assessment of the energy potential and environmental conditions of low-temperature geothermal energy’ carried out between 2017 and 2022.
Maps showing average values of thermal conductivity of soils and rocks, expressed in units of W/(m*K), for the 0-40 m depth interval. Maps were created on the basis of a numerical, three-dimensional model of geological structure (base model), which was then filled with geological-thermal series with assigned values of thermal conductivity rate expressed in units [W/m*K] (parametric model). The parametric model was used to calculate the average value of thermal conductivity of soils and rocks at each point of the studied area and up to the chosen depth level. Maps were produced as part of a project funded by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management entitled: ‘Assessment of the energy potential and environmental conditions of low-temperature geothermal energy’ carried out between 2017 and 2022.
Maps showing the feasibility of borehole heat exchangers, considering chosen environmental conditions. Maps are the result of spatial analyses showing 3 types (classes) of areas with the division whether there are contraindications to the construction of a boreholes for ground source heat exchangers (GHE): - installation without contraindications - no adverse environmental conditions; - conditional installation - construction of the installation is conditionally possible (local environmental conditions should be analyzed in detail in the geological operations project and taken into account in the technical design of the GHE); - obviously contraindicated installation - execution of the installation is possible with evident contraindications (due to extremely unfavorable environmental conditions). In addition, an area class of ‘surface water’ was distinguished. Maps were produced as part of a project funded by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management entitled: ‘Assessment of the energy potential and environmental conditions of low-temperature geothermal energy’ carried out between 2017 and 2022.
Maps showing average values of thermal conductivity of soils and rocks, expressed in units of W/(m*K), for the 0-100 m depth interval. Maps were created on the basis of a numerical, three-dimensional model of geological structure (base model), which was then filled with geological-thermal series with assigned values of thermal conductivity rate expressed in units [W/m*K] (parametric model). The parametric model was used to calculate the average value of thermal conductivity of soils and rocks at each point of the studied area and up to the chosen depth level. Maps were produced as part of a project funded by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management entitled: ‘Assessment of the energy potential and environmental conditions of low-temperature geothermal energy’ carried out between 2017 and 2022.
Usługa pobierania umożliwiająca pobieranie danych z podsystemu Otwory CBDG. Usługa wykorzystuje interfejs WFS OGC w wersji 2.0.0.