Rekreacja, Turystyka
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Mapa geologiczno-turystyczna Welskiego Parku Krajobrazowego 1: 40 000 jest jedną z 5 częściowej serii map, opracowanych na zlecenie Ministerstwa Środowiska, projekt finansowany ze środków NFOŚiGW.
Geological -tourist map of "Mierzeja Wiślana" Landscape Park in scale 1: 60 000 is one of the 5 part series of maps, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, a project financed by the NFEPandWM
Geological -tourist map of "Mierzeja Wiślana" Landscape Park in scale 1: 60 000 is one of the 5 part series of maps, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, a project financed by the NFEPandWM
Geological-tourist map of Gorce National Park in scale 1: 25 000 is one of the 10 part series of maps, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, a project financed by the NFEPandWM.
Geological-tourist map of Ojcow National Park in scale 1: 25 000 is one of the 10 part series of maps, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, a project financed by the NFEPandWM.
Geological-tourist map of Warta Mouth National Park in scale 1: 25 000 is one of the 10 part series of maps, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, a project financed by the NFEPandWM.
Geological -tourist map of Romincka Primeval Forest Landscape Park in scale 1:40 000 is one of the 5 part series of maps, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, a project financed by the NFEPandWM.
Geological -tourist map of Seaside Landscape Park in scale 1: 60 000 is one of the 5 part series of maps, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, a project financed by the NFEPandWM.
Geological-tourist map of Pieniny National Park in scale 1: 25 000 is one of the 10 part series of maps, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, a project financed by the NFEPandWM.
Geological-tourist map of Drawa National Park in scale 1: 40 000 is one of the 10 part series of maps, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, a project financed by the NFEPandWM.