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    Mapa Geośrodowiskowa Polski w skali 1:50 000 - Plansza A przedstawia w formie kartograficznej dane dotyczące środowiska. Zawierają się one w czterech podstawowych grupach tematycznych: złoża kopalin (kopaliny, złoża udokumentowane, perspektywy i prognozy, górnictwo i przetwórstwo kopalin), wody (wody powierzchniowe, wody podziemne, strefa wybrzeża morskiego), warunki podłoża (warunki budowlane, gleby chronione, obszary leśne), ochrona środowiska (ochrona przyrody i krajobrazu, ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego).

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    Geoenvironmental Map of Poland at a scale of 1:50 000 - Part A depicts environmental data in cartographic way. These are grouped in 4 themes: mineral deposits (deposits, recognition of minerals, mining and processing of minerals), water (surface and ground waters, seashore), land use (utility of the ground for constructional use, protected soil, forest areas), environmental protection (protection of nature and landscape, protection of cultural heritage).

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    The Detailed Geological Map of Poland in scale 1:50,000 (DGMP 1:50,000) is elaborated in Polish on the base of geological mapping, especially drilled boreholes to subQuaternary basement as well as geological and geophysical surveys and laboratory studies. The whole edition comprises 1069 sheets. The Detailed Geological Map of Poland in the scale 1:50,000 published from 1956 together with explanations, forms a compendium of geological knowledge of the area. It is a basic map which is being used for construction of all the other consecutive thematic maps of the country, either in detailed or in regional scales. The Map is supplemented with one or two geological sections, typical for the area: one of them (Quaternary deposits) is prepared in highly exaggerated vertical scale. Each sheet is provided with brochure text explanations, containing description of the geological structure of the area, logs of the more significant boreholes, geomorphological and subQuaternary basement sketches and the results of field and laboratory analyses.

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    Geoenvironmental Map of Poland at a scale of 1:50 000 - Part A depicts environmental data in cartographic way. These are grouped in 4 themes: mineral deposits (deposits, recognition of minerals, mining and processing of minerals), water (surface and ground waters, seashore), land use (utility of the ground for constructional use, protected soil, forest areas), environmental protection (protection of nature and landscape, protection of cultural heritage).

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    Geoenvironmental Map of Poland at a scale of 1:50 000 - Part A depicts environmental data in cartographic way. These are grouped in 4 themes: mineral deposits (deposits, recognition of minerals, mining and processing of minerals), water (surface and ground waters, seashore), land use (utility of the ground for constructional use, protected soil, forest areas), environmental protection (protection of nature and landscape, protection of cultural heritage).

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    Geoenvironmental Map of Poland at a scale of 1:50 000 - Part A depicts environmental data in cartographic way. These are grouped in 4 themes: mineral deposits (deposits, recognition of minerals, mining and processing of minerals), water (surface and ground waters, seashore), land use (utility of the ground for constructional use, protected soil, forest areas), environmental protection (protection of nature and landscape, protection of cultural heritage).

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    Geoenvironmental Map of Poland at a scale of 1:50 000 - Part A depicts environmental data in cartographic way. These are grouped in 4 themes: mineral deposits (deposits, recognition of minerals, mining and processing of minerals), water (surface and ground waters, seashore), land use (utility of the ground for constructional use, protected soil, forest areas), environmental protection (protection of nature and landscape, protection of cultural heritage).

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    Geoenvironmental Map of Poland at a scale of 1:50 000 - Part A depicts environmental data in cartographic way. These are grouped in 4 themes: mineral deposits (deposits, recognition of minerals, mining and processing of minerals), water (surface and ground waters, seashore), land use (utility of the ground for constructional use, protected soil, forest areas), environmental protection (protection of nature and landscape, protection of cultural heritage).

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    Geoenvironmental Map of Poland at a scale of 1:50 000 - Part A depicts environmental data in cartographic way. These are grouped in 4 themes: mineral deposits (deposits, recognition of minerals, mining and processing of minerals), water (surface and ground waters, seashore), land use (utility of the ground for constructional use, protected soil, forest areas), environmental protection (protection of nature and landscape, protection of cultural heritage).

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    Geoenvironmental Map of Poland at a scale of 1:50 000 - Part A depicts environmental data in cartographic way. These are grouped in 4 themes: mineral deposits (deposits, recognition of minerals, mining and processing of minerals), water (surface and ground waters, seashore), land use (utility of the ground for constructional use, protected soil, forest areas), environmental protection (protection of nature and landscape, protection of cultural heritage).