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Mapa geologiczno-turystyczna Welskiego Parku Krajobrazowego 1: 40 000 jest jedną z 5 częściowej serii map, opracowanych na zlecenie Ministerstwa Środowiska, projekt finansowany ze środków NFOŚiGW.
Lithogenetic Map of Poland at 1:50k scale is derived from Detailed Geological map of Poland at 1:50k scale. Lithogenetic Map of Poland presents lithology and genesis of formations covering surface, and chosen geodynamical, hydrogeological and anthropogenic phenomena. It will also be used in the process of initial valuation of ground for future investments and evaluation of ground for further detailed analysis.
Lithogenetic Map of Poland at 1:50k scale is derived from Detailed Geological map of Poland at 1:50k scale. Lithogenetic Map of Poland presents lithology and genesis of formations covering surface, and chosen geodynamical, hydrogeological and anthropogenic phenomena. It will also be used in the process of initial valuation of ground for future investments and evaluation of ground for further detailed analysis.
Geological -tourist map of "Mierzeja Wiślana" Landscape Park in scale 1: 60 000 is one of the 5 part series of maps, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, a project financed by the NFEPandWM
Geological -tourist map of Seaside Landscape Park in scale 1: 60 000 is one of the 5 part series of maps, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, a project financed by the NFEPandWM.
Lithogenetic Map of Poland at 1:50k scale is derived from Detailed Geological map of Poland at 1:50k scale. Lithogenetic Map of Poland presents lithology and genesis of formations covering surface, and chosen geodynamical, hydrogeological and anthropogenic phenomena. It will also be used in the process of initial valuation of ground for future investments and evaluation of ground for further detailed analysis.
Lithogenetic Map of Poland at 1:50k scale is derived from Detailed Geological map of Poland at 1:50k scale. Lithogenetic Map of Poland presents lithology and genesis of formations covering surface, and chosen geodynamical, hydrogeological and anthropogenic phenomena. It will also be used in the process of initial valuation of ground for future investments and evaluation of ground for further detailed analysis.
Geological -tourist map of Romincka Primeval Forest Landscape Park in scale 1:40 000 is one of the 5 part series of maps, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, a project financed by the NFEPandWM.
Geological -tourist map of "Mierzeja Wiślana" Landscape Park in scale 1: 60 000 is one of the 5 part series of maps, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, a project financed by the NFEPandWM
The register of mining areas collects information about mining areas designated in Poland, such as: the name of the mining area, its surface, the name of the company that produces mineral product. These information, along with spatial data are available in the MIDAS database. Archive also stores documents relating to the mining areas e. g. maps and administrative decisions.